Primary Schools Swimming Gala 2022
Following two years of lockdowns and restrictions CSWPC were finally able to run the annual Primary Schools Swimming Gala in 2022.
It was fantastic to see 121 swimmers taking part in the races and their respective parents, relatives and supporters cheering them on from the stands.
Congratulations to all the swimmers who took part. You were amazing!
St Edwards won both the Gerald Cook Trophy, awarded to the fastest under 11 mixed relay team, and the Fred Moss Shield Trophy, awarded to the fastest under 10 mixed team relay.
Noah S, above, won the Frank White trophy, awarded to the fastest under 11 boy. Phoebe C, below, won the Muriel Adams trophy, awarded to the fastest under 11 girl.
A special mention should go to Vahena Marsili who championed this event, with no previous experience. She summoned help from all corners of CSWPC, from our youngest swimmers to the President of the club, Mr Louis Eperjesi, who presented the trophies on the night.
These events could not possibly run without our army of volunteers and the staff at Leisure@ our thanks go to everyone that was involved. You all deserve a medal!
Many thanks, also, to Noel Hibbert from Cotswold Photography who captured the event beautifully. Photographic packages/downloads are available to purchase via their website, full gallery of the event available below, any profits will be given to CSWPC.
Click here for full gallery CSWPC Schools Gala May 2022